====== SpeedTest ====== Das Programm **SpeedTest** testet die 3 Motoren des NXT. Dieses Beispiel verwendet außerdem den **Lichtsensor** (Lightsensor) und den **Ultraschall-Entfernungssensor** (Ultrasonicsensor). Zusatzinformationen werden auf dem LCD Bildschirm ausgegeben. import java.util.*; import lejos.nxt.*; public class SpeedTest { static final int TOTALTIME = 60000; public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception { byte A = 0; Random rand = new Random(); LightSensor ls = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S3); UltrasonicSensor us = new UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.S1); Motor MA = Motor.A; Motor MB = Motor.B; Motor MC = Motor.C; /* Disable the speed regulation and close down the associated threads. * This test does not require this type of motion control. */ MA.regulateSpeed(false); MB.regulateSpeed(false); MC.regulateSpeed(false); MA.shutdown(); MB.shutdown(); MC.shutdown(); MB.forward(); MC.forward(); int iteration = 0; int startTime = (int)System.currentTimeMillis(); int totalTime = 0; int tacho = 0; int distVal=0; int lightVal=0; while(totalTime < TOTALTIME) { lightVal = ls.readValue(); distVal = us.getDistance(); tacho = MB.getTachoCount(); int RN = rand.nextInt( 100) + 1; int V3 = (lightVal + distVal + tacho)*100/RN; // Uncomment the following to produce display output as per the original test. LCD.drawInt(tacho,0,0); LCD.drawInt(V3, 0, 1); LCD.drawInt(A, 0, 2); LCD.drawInt(iteration, 0, 4); // Set motor speed for B and C to RN (Using Coast) MB.setPower(RN); MC.setPower(RN); if(RN > 50) ++A; if(RN < 50) --A; if(A<0) MA.backward(); else MA.forward(); totalTime = (int)System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; iteration++; } MA.stop(); MB.stop(); MC.stop(); LCD.drawInt(iteration, 0, 4); Thread.sleep(10000); } } **Erläuterung zum Quellcode**\\ In Zeile 20-25 werden die Geschwindigkeitsregulaion und zugehörige Threads ausgeschaltet.